Getting Involoved

Our Mission:

    Vykland is a non-profit educational group. Our mission is to promote interest and research into the history, crafts, culture and warfare of the Vikings during the period from 800 AD to 1100 AD.

Who Are We?

    Vykland is an association of people interested in recreating the culture and society of the Vikings of Scandinavia during the middle ages. Our group operates under the democratic principles set down in medieval Iceland. We attract people from all ages, cultures and walks of life. All that is required is an interest in history and the ability to have fun.

We Travel:

    Our membership is available to travel to locations in New York State to give educational presentations to girls and boys scouts, grade school classes, museums and other organizations. Please contact Kim Seward for details or to reserve dates.

Come See Us:

    Four times a year Vykland members come together to put on a medieval Viking event. Over a weekend a simple field is turned into a small Viking community. During that event (called a "Thyng" in honor of the Icelandic Viking law gatherings of the same name) medieval games and contests of arms are held. Participants dress in garb that the Vikings of that time would have worn, and traditional crafts such as spinning, jewelry-making, brewing, and blacksmithing are demonstrated. A Viking feast is traditionally held on Saturday night, to be followed by a bon-fire and period music-making and dancing. Our Thyngs are planned around the solstices and equinoxes, as the Icelandic Vikings did. The final date of the event is usually determined about three months before the next Thyng. There is an attendance fee, as well as a fee to take part in the feast. If you wish to attend you may contact Kim Seward.

Calendar of Events

Event Description Date Restrictions   
Spring Thyng Day-long indoor event April no pets   
Summer Althyng Weekend camping event June none
Fall Thyng Weekend camping event September none
Winter Thyng Day-long indoor event January no pets   

How Do I Join?

    Anyone is welcome to visit and attend our Thyng events. We have two levels of membership in our group. The first level of membership is citizenship. In order to become a citizen a person is required to be sponsored by three current members-in-good standing. At three consecutive events those sponsors will speak on your behalf to the assembled citizens. At the end of the third event, your citizenship will be voted upon. Once you become a citizen you are welcome to participate and speak at the Thyng Law Assemblies, however, you may not vote until you attain the second level of membership. In order to vote at Thyng, a citizen must also become a bondi. A bondi is a state of citizenship in which a person has attained some basic property (clothing, weapons) that a Viking would have had, and the wisdom to teach others how to create/gain these things as well.

Read All About Us:

    Vykland's official newsletter, The Runestone, is published four times a year. It's chock-full of original articles, drawings and illustrations, and information for the would-be Viking. If you would like to subscribe to The Runestone, contact Kim Seward.